Proliferation of too many different apps...

skorous skorous at y...
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 02:56:41 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., Michael Loftis <mloftis@w...> wrote:
> I think we, as a community, really need to focus our efforts
> into a single project. Right now I know of no less than 5 or 6
> different apps out there. What we really need to do is make a
> focal point for this whole effort.
> I'd like to opena discussion to that effect right now. I really
> htink that doing this would benefit the entire community and allow
> us all to have some really high quality apps.

Well, a couple of things. Remember that this is all my opinion and 
admitted, I automatically resist when people tell me "what we really 

Perhaps it would be better but perhaps not. All the code is being 
distributed (except jdiner but he's already said he will after he 
gets it closer to perfect and I respect that) so should Gary want to 
steal some code from Merch's ZSS or Jdiner from Playitsam it's 
perfectly acceptable. And many times it's better to completely re-
invent the wheel rather than trying to patch things in over and over 
again. Again using JDiner as an example, would he be as far forward 
as he appears to be if he were forced to work within the framework of 
Merch's ZSS or vice versa? And by adding a big layer of bureacracy at 
the top you're going to have problems with philosophical differences. 
Some people would rather have the exractor program dynamically link 
in to Extractstream or sendstream or mfs_export. Some people don't 
want to integrate the stream sending unit but some do, etc... It's 
got to fragment to move as fast and in as many directions as it does.

Yeah, I completely agree that it's a waste of effort with so much 
duplication going on but I would put forth that a single repository 
for technical information rather than the current splintering between 
Yahoo, ptvupgrade, dealdatabase, et all might have better effects. 
And later, after it's settled down a bit perhaps we can open a 
project to integrate several different pieces together into a single 
end-all application.

Just my opinion.
