[ExtractStream] Proliferation of too many different apps...

Roger Merchberger zmerch7 at y...
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 10:57:35 -0700 (PDT)

--- Rob <yahoo@i...> wrote:

> Is there anywhere any form of definitive document on what everyone 
> understands to date the format of the streams to be?

For my own personal use, I was working on doing *just this* - see:


> If not, can we create one? Whilst I've not got the time for any
> serious 
> code hacking, I'm happy to donate web space, set up discussion
> boards, etc, 
> if it would help.

As am I - I was considering setting up a different listserver -
Yahoo's server seems quite overloaded at times, and although I don't
have "huge" resources, I have 3 megabit (4.5 in about 2 months) and a
new mail server that will be able to easily handle the load, which
will be up in about 3-4 weeks...

Webpages & whatever are also no problem - I can offer Coldfusion
capability on our Linux webserver - using PostgreSQL as a backend.

Whatever we can set up to get things rolling, just let me know...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

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