My VSplit program Alpha #11b has been released...

mikertx mike at i...
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 04:56:56 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "jewser" <joshua@b...> wrote:
> Here is the code from vsplit11b: 
> #if defined(WIN32)
> fname = argv[0];
> zin = fopen(fname, "rb");
> #else
> int	bigIn;
> fname = argv[0];
> bigIn = open(fname, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE);
> zin = fdopen(bigIn, "rb");
> #endif
> Whenever not compiled to run under Win32 it switches to large files. 
> Bottom line it is something on your machine. I just ran a 3.5gig
> file through it here and everything ran perfectly. Sorry I can't be 
> more help but I don't know what else could be affecting it.
> --jdiner

This gets more mysterious. I ran strace on vsplit11b and on the
dd example and I found that vsplit does not use the O_LARGEFILE 
flag on opening the output files:

open("forbidden_planet.ty", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 3
open("fp.m2v", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 4
open("fp.m2a", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 5

But dd does:

open("bigfile", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_LARGEFILE, 0666) = 1

Not sure why it works for you though.
