[ExtractStream] Random SplitStream Thoughts...

Warren Toomey wkt at t...
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 09:09:28 +1000 (EST)

In article by Roger Merchberger:
> Okay - is there a way to access malloc() or another allocation
> function that will return a NULL pointer if it would require to go to
> swap?

No. it's nearly impossible to find out how much memory to allocate
which won't cause swapping to occur.

You could let the user input a number from the command-line, and malloc
that amount. I've seen this way of doing things in other programs that
are faces with the same problem.

Also, why is splitstream so amazingly complicated?! I use my own splitter
called vsplit, the source code of which is at 

I can always extract a tystream with this, and it never find bad chunks,
and the audio and video streams play back fine.
