[ExtractStream] Random SplitStream Thoughts...
Roger Merchberger
zmerch7 at y...
Sat, 9 Feb 2002 16:28:34 -0800 (PST)
--- Warren Toomey <wkt@t...> wrote:
> In article by Roger Merchberger:
> > Okay - is there a way to access malloc() or another allocation
> > function that will return a NULL pointer if it would require to
> go to
> > swap?
> No. it's nearly impossible to find out how much memory to allocate
> which won't cause swapping to occur.
Boy - now doesn't that *just* *plain* *suck*. You'd think there could
be an environment variable that'd give installed memory & amount
used, or somesuch...
> You could let the user input a number from the command-line, and
> malloc
> that amount. I've seen this way of doing things in other programs
> that
> are faces with the same problem.
I was considering that as an alternative...
> Also, why is splitstream so amazingly complicated?! I use my own
> splitter
> called vsplit, the source code of which is at
> http://minnie.tuhs.org/Programs/Playitsam/playitsam-1.50a.tar.gz
I've been checking on FAQs and stuff on MPEG2 - tell me something
that *isn't* complicated WRT the flooming thing! ;-)
I downloaded it... need to check it out, but _personally_ I don't
want to feed tystreams back to the tivo - I have a DVD player for
that... ;-) (that - and my Tivo has more hard drive storage than my
PC does... ;-)
> I can always extract a tystream with this, and it never find bad
> chunks,
> and the audio and video streams play back fine.
What do you do about the audio offset? Is it automagically
calculated, or do you figure that "most times, it's <100ms so it
doesn't matter?"
Oh, per your webpage wanting tyserver.exe Winders compiled - cygwin
compiled it without a hitch... I haven't tested it other than it
didn't abend when I started it... otherwise, use it at your own risk,
as it were. :-)
http://www.30below.com/~zmerch/tivo/tyserver.exe (6K)
http://www.30below.com/~zmerch/tivo/tyserver-nostrip.exe (26K -
retained debug info)
Thanks tons! I'm learning a lot, and hopefully "C" will stick around
in my brain finally! :-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
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