Video Editing

Rick Wohleber rick at w...
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 18:09:07 -0400


Here's my process for working on video:

1. I extract the Video
2. I vsplit it
3. I Mux it (using TmpegEnc, using MpegTools, simple mux, SVCD template)
4. I view it with PowerDVD to decide the cut points (to get rid of
5. I take the pieces that I want (less the commercials) and enter that
in TmpegEnc (using MpegTools, Merge & Cut)

Now I get a roughly 2 second piece of un-wanted video before each merged
section. Clearly, it's something to do with the Mpeg2 stream, but I
don't know enough about it to fix it.

What am I doing wrong?
What tools are people using to cut out commercials from video?

The whole purpose of using TmpgEnc was to NOT re-encode the video,
thereby editing the GOP directly.

Does anybody have a better solution than what I've detailed?