[ExtractStream] Tivo 3.0 and Extraction.... (Need Telenet back first)

Scott Alfter yahoo at s...
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 16:28:17 -0700

On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 11:49:58AM -0000, knightshade23 wrote:
> Just got hit with my Tivo 3.0 upgrade over the past week.
> As expected, I no longer have telnet access to the box.
> Now that they have the ',#401' code to enable it to dial
> via the TivoNet card - what is the best way to re-enable telnet?

Set up a DHCP server someplace on your network, give it the MAC address of
the NIC you're using with your TiVoNet (usually printed on a label on the
NIC), and restart your TiVo. With this, you can make sure your TiVo is at
the same IP address it had previously.

(One source for a DHCP server is http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP/...works
fine under Linux as long as CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER are enabled in
your kernel.)

/ v \ Scott Alfter (salfter@s...)
(IIGS( http://salfter.dyndns.org
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden