Alternate TV listing options

STUFTOYS fontpro at u...
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:43:03 -0800


I just got the e-mail from Tivo that they are raising the subscription 
fee almost 30% a month. Way too expensive for information i get free from 
my cable company, and available online. i know it is Taboo to talk on 
the AVS board about this. But since Extract stream is also Taboo there, I 
was wondering if anyone on this list can point me to info on loading my 
own TV listings from the net. Frankly the times and show names are all I 
care about. I seldom read the descriptions.

You can currently get your TV listing free using this program:

It will creat a text or HTML output of your listing.

i think Tivo will start loosing a lot of customers with this. By the way 
we have 4 tivos. I'm paying more per year for Tivo service than I paid 
for my Tivo.

Any help on list or privately would be appreciated.

Should have Turbo Ethernet set up soon.
