Best place to start

skorous skorous at y...
Wed, 08 May 2002 14:16:49 -0000

--- In ExtractStream@y..., "gknight80453" <graham@p...> wrote:
> I ordered a turbonet card for my directivo (phillips) that should
> arrive shortly. I have Solaris, Windows, and a Network Appliance
> NFS server that I will be using to store video.
> What would be considered the best website for me to start for
> instructions on how to set this up? There are an awful lot of sites
> out there - is there one that is considered that definitive place 
> people like me that are just starting - any that are targeted at 
> who want to use NFS and Solaris?
> Graham

Merch's page goes through almost everything and it'll give a good 
sense of the extract process (my memory fails me for Merch's URL).
Using NFS mounts isn't really that much different from the other 
setups. I prefer using NFS because I can write a little script to 
extract a bunch of files at once and let it run while I 
[sleep/work/etc]. I assume that since you have a Solaris box that 
you already know how to set up an NFS share server side so all 
that's left is setting up the TiVo part of life. As I don't have a 
DirecTiVo I can't go in to great detail but after you've installed 
the card and gotten your TiVo on the net it'll go something like 

insmod -f nfs.o
mount -t nfs -o rsize=8192,wsize=8192 [address of nfs share]:/
[sharename] /[mount point]

The box will complain when you insert the module because it's 
compiled for version 2.0 but it'll work fine. Then just do an ls 
into the share point to make sure it's working ok. After you verify 
it's mounted correctly it's just a matter of running 
mfs_streamswithpri1 or sendstream or whichever utility you want to 
use to extract the data to STDOUT and rather than '|' it to nc like 
most of the pages tell you to do, '>' it to whatever subdirectory 
you mounted your NFS partition. The TiVo should have vim on it 
(sorry Emacs lovers :-) ) so you can script several of them together.
I got really trick and mounted a couple of 30gig drives formatted 
FAT32 in a removeable chassis which I put into the linux box to 
extract a bunch of data and then take downstairs to the Winslows box 
to do the edits. Works pretty well.

You will probably want to check out the forum 
for DirecTiVo's because I read something about loading a 
noscramble.o module because the DirecTiVo stores it's streams 
encrypted by default.

Hope that helps a little,
