[ExtractStream] Re: Best place to start

Marc Lavergne mlavergn-pub at r...
Wed, 08 May 2002 11:24:09 -0400

Has anybody tried replacing the hacked TiVo Linux kernel with a standard 
kernel? I have a spare development TiVo box that I was planning to try 
to get 2.4 running on but was wondering if there is anything that might 
stop me dead in my tracks ... in particular that sneeeeeeeeaky PROM. I 
have a SA Philips with a v1.84 PROM.


skorous wrote:

> --- In ExtractStream@y..., "gknight80453" <graham@p...> wrote:
>>I ordered a turbonet card for my directivo (phillips) that should
>>arrive shortly. I have Solaris, Windows, and a Network Appliance
>>NFS server that I will be using to store video.
>>What would be considered the best website for me to start for
>>instructions on how to set this up? There are an awful lot of sites
>>out there - is there one that is considered that definitive place 
> for
>>people like me that are just starting - any that are targeted at 
> folks
>>who want to use NFS and Solaris?
> Merch's page goes through almost everything and it'll give a good 
> sense of the extract process (my memory fails me for Merch's URL).
> Using NFS mounts isn't really that much different from the other 
> setups. I prefer using NFS because I can write a little script to 
> extract a bunch of files at once and let it run while I 
> [sleep/work/etc]. I assume that since you have a Solaris box that 
> you already know how to set up an NFS share server side so all 
> that's left is setting up the TiVo part of life. As I don't have a 
> DirecTiVo I can't go in to great detail but after you've installed 
> the card and gotten your TiVo on the net it'll go something like 
> this:
> insmod -f nfs.o
> mount -t nfs -o rsize=8192,wsize=8192 [address of nfs share]:/
> [sharename] /[mount point]
> The box will complain when you insert the module because it's 
> compiled for version 2.0 but it'll work fine. Then just do an ls 
> into the share point to make sure it's working ok. After you verify 
> it's mounted correctly it's just a matter of running 
> mfs_streamswithpri1 or sendstream or whichever utility you want to 
> use to extract the data to STDOUT and rather than '|' it to nc like 
> most of the pages tell you to do, '>' it to whatever subdirectory 
> you mounted your NFS partition. The TiVo should have vim on it 
> (sorry Emacs lovers :-) ) so you can script several of them together.
> I got really trick and mounted a couple of 30gig drives formatted 
> FAT32 in a removeable chassis which I put into the linux box to 
> extract a bunch of data and then take downstairs to the Winslows box 
> to do the edits. Works pretty well.
> You will probably want to check out the www.dealdatabase.com forum 
> for DirecTiVo's because I read something about loading a 
> noscramble.o module because the DirecTiVo stores it's streams 
> encrypted by default.
> Hope that helps a little,
> Skorous
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