[SA-exim] Timeout error on large messages

Brian Kendig brian at enchanter.net
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 10:59:27 -0500

I think this is the same problem that's been discussed here recently, 
but I went to *such* trouble to track it down, and I want to document 
it *someplace*...  :-)

When my Exim server receives a large message (like, with a big 
attachment), this appears in '/var/spool/exim/log/mainlog':

2002-10-28 09:53:49 H4P5DM-000A85-00 SA: SAEximRunCond expand returned: 
2002-10-28 09:53:49 H4P5DM-000A85-00 SA: check succeeded, running spamc

And then exactly five minutes later it says:

2002-10-28 09:58:49 H4P5DM-000A85-00 local_scan() function timed out - 
message temporarily rejected

Nothing is written to system.log or mail.log; spamd doesn't ever say 
anything about this large message.

ps shows:

perl /usr/bin/spamd -d -u nobody -D -L
(I'm running spamd in debug and local mode)

spamc -s 256000
(This process sits around for five minutes and doesn't seem to do 

So I'm hoping this is the same exact problem as was discussed earlier.  

  ____    |\/|                 Brian Kendig   Set your priorities right.
  \  /\   / ..__.    brian at enchanter net   No one ever said on his
   \/  \__\   _/   http://www.enchanter.net/  death bed, "Gee, if I'd
    \__   __  \_      Be insatiably curious.  only spent more time at
       \____\___\           Ask "why" a lot.  the office."