[SA-exim] Greylisting problem

Andrew Hutchings info at a-wing.co.uk
Thu Nov 30 12:02:54 PST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Marc MERLIN wrote:

>> Not quite, it is writing tuplets for whitelisted items (mail with a
>> score <3.5), but it isn't greylisting anything, just constantly temp
>> rejecting if >3.5 && <12 with nothing new in the tuplets.
>> It definitely isn't a permissions problem with /var/spool/sa-exim/tuplets/
> Ah, I see.
> Mmmh, beats me.
> I would say turn on debugging for spamassassin, something like 
> spamassassin -t -D < /tmp/greylistmail
> and look at the output.
> If necessary, add prints in the perl module so that it gives you a clue why
> it's not writing to disk when it enters the greylist code
> Marc

After reading through the SA module code I figured out where I was going
wrong.  All spam in question had no from set, and I had the option
greylistnullfrom set to 0.  Unfortunately this doesn't produce any warn
or anything, it just exits gracefully, which made it very hard to debug.

So as a feature request, could this output a message to state that there
is no from set and greylistnullfrom is 0?


- --
Andrew Hutchings (A-Wing) - Linux Jedi
A-Wing Internet Services - www.a-wing.co.uk
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Screen leads to downtime. Downtime leads to suffering...I sense much
Windows in you.
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